
We Levitate | Community


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Community Building | Brand Partnerships


we levitate is a community of like-minded photographers that explore the art of levitation without the use of photoshop. what started as a technique has since become a digital phenomenon.


some people jump #WeLevitate

the use of non-photoshopped levitation has become a staple in commercial photography due to the rise of instagram and digital advertising.


virgil abloh x louis vuitton





erick hercules created we levitate with the intention to share his techniques with others and to inspire other creators to capture a moment in an industry dominated by postproduction and facelifts. currently, there are levitation photographers all over the world who have joined the conversation to learn and inspire each other. with branches in new york, las vegas, seattle, berlin, london, and sydney, we levitate is global.

demas rusli

connor surdi



erick hercules

mathieu forget


Eliot Hensford

Martin Tadashi

Kien Quan



a passion project of hercules new york, building out we levitate’s community involved a two-step process:
1. community interaction | 2. partnerships

  1. community interaction.

    as photographers began hashtagging instagram posts with #welevitate, the page became a hub to curate our community’s posts. community interaction was built into the design of we levitate’s feed.

  2. partnerships.

    we levitate is not only about photographers and content creators, it’s also about a larger community of athletes, dancers, models, celebrities, and brands. we learned early on that anyone who defies gravity (or wants to) is part of the we levitate family.

we levitate X world of dance

we levitate X jon reyes

we levitate X just