This Is What You Need To Be Thinking About As A Freelancer During Coronavirus
Read MoreToday creatives wear many hats and it’s harder and harder for us to boil down all of our skills into just one title – like photographer, videographer, writer, or director. The good news is we no longer need to and we’re allowed to figure it out along the way, kind of like Dave Meyers…
Read MoreWHAT NOW Episode 1 - Dive in and see how aspiring fine-arts photographer Victor Loews deals with the cancellation of his gallery event and manages to translate his narrative to cater to a digital market.
Read MoreI have learned a lot of valuable things during my time at SVA. Some people want to know what their art means to the world and the certain connotations that it may hold, some do not. In the end, it is your decision to find that out for yourself.
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